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returntothepit >> discuss >> RTTP Dwarf Fortress Succession Game: Year 1 by DestroyYouAlot on Sep 10,2008 12:23am
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toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Sep 10,2008 12:23am edited Sep 10,2008 12:25am
I'm gonna say let's post these one year at a time, 'cause they can get image-heavy. Continued from the discussion thread HERE.

Well, it took me a week to play the turn, and about forever to get around to posting it, but here it is: Year 1 of the RTTP Dwarf Fortress Succession Game. I spent a lot of time fruiting up the fiction aspect of it; don't feel you have to do the same if you follow. I also included a good bit of tutorial-style stuff in the brackets, until I got tired of doing that. Look at the wiki if you want to know how to play, it's all there:

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Sep 10,2008 12:25am edited Sep 10,2008 12:28am
Here goes:


This is a written record of Asteshonul, or "Cudgelmirrors", home of Edzul Sanreb ("The Vestibule of Owning"), an enclave of the great dwarven civilization, "The Syrup of Bronze." The lost hold was founded by the banks of the Dustmatched brook, at the foot of the great mountain, The Tooth of Appearing, where it divides the Confining Plain in the west from the Malodorous Steppes in the east. This diary was started by the fortress's first manager and passed down year to year, as the position changed hands according to the tradition of the Syrup of Bronze.

The account of Obok "Dartstoy Ulot" Akrelmosus:

3rd Opal, 201

I suppose I better write all this down, so they can't blame me when it all goes tits up. Maybe I can at least keep this craphole going until the next poor sap gets roped into- sorry, "elected" manager, and let him fuck it up instead.

So, there I am, victim of a travesty of justice - guilty of nothing more than harboring a deep appreciation of horses. Real deep. So what, it's a free country, right? Well, you'd think so, but you'd be wrong. Anyway, so there I am, awaiting my court-ordered hammering (to be administered by the Hammerer, of course), when some perfume-bearded caseworker comes along to tell me they're gonna let me off if I pick up and leave town - off to some Arnok-forsaken outpost called "Cudgelmirrors". I say, sure - given what I'm accused of, and where the Hammerer's likely to apply the hammering - well, let's just say anything beats going through life with that kind of disability. So I'll relocate out to the sticks - a dwarf still has his freedoms out there. Free to express affection for his horse in his own way, in the privacy of his own chamber.

Well, what they didn't tell me before I signed the release forms is that Cudgelmirrors doesn't actually exist yet, and that we're going to build it - and that I'm in charge. Great. Just me and six other addlebrained fuckwits, traipsing around in the hills looking to get ourselves killed. Fantastic.

Before we leave, some weedy administrator hands me a survey report. Says that there's slate, gneiss, and granite out here, some gem deposits here and there, with plenty of trees to the west, and Arnok knows what kind of monsters to the east. So that's reassuring.

20th Obsidian, 201

So, I went around and interviewed all the other assholes while we were sitting around the campfire picking our blisters. Figure I might as well know what I've got to work with before we get to this place and I have to start acting like I know what's going on. Here's what I've learned. Arnok help us.

Zulban - That chick really likes axes. Like, a lot. I mean, I know we're dwarves and all, but sheesh. She can cut wood and take care of any monsters we run into out there, I guess. Maybe slap together some beds at the carpentry shop. (Like, seriously, A LOT.)

Fath Kibgembish - Says she has some engineering degree or something, can design buildings and build mechanisms or some crap. I wasn't paying too much attention, I was too busy wondering what's goin on under that beard of hers. Think I'll make her my secretary - damned if I'm gonna keep track of the books around here. I think i heard her say she like horses, too - maybe I should see if she wants to get together by the food stockpile for some ale, sometime. You never know what that could lead to.

Meng Urdimzaneg - Kind of a boring guy. Supposedly he's this expert mason, stone crafter, blah blah blah. Has a thing for pants - he tried to take his off to show me the stitching. What's that all about?

Domas Kuletzokun - He's a miner. You ever talk to a miner for more than a five minute stretch? Yeah. I guess he was in the army at some point, knows how to wear armor - I'll have him back up Zulban if she runs into trouble she can't handle. He's pretty buff, I'll give him that - probably do a lot of damage with that pick if he had a mind to.

Cerol Mistemoddom - Real quiet. Practically a blank slate, actually. She can fish, she can clean the fish, and for a hobby she makes crap out of the fish bones. Lovely. Might be half a retard, but she may come in handy.

Ast Kivishlilar - A hippy. They sent me out here with a fucking hippy. Says she can cook, and she knows her way around a garden - she better be telling the truth, or she's can to live with the freakin' elves for all I care.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Sep 10,2008 12:30am
1st Granite, 201

We're here. Fuck.

[When you start a fortress, first thing you want to do is pause it and figure out what you're doing before the dorfs all run off to get themselves killed. "Space" pauses and unpauses the game. It also exits out of almost any menu. (F9 exits out of the rest.) The arrow keys move the view around; holding "Shift" with an arrow key moves faster. The view you see at first is just a two-dimensional cross-section of the area - like one layer in a layer cake. (This is a "Z-level".) To view different Z-levels, press "<" and ">". If you lose track of the wagon, just press "F1" to zoom back to where you started. If you want a bigger view, press "Tab" to alternate between the area map, menu, and region map.]

I'll tell you one thing, diary - they sure as crap did their homework with the mineral survey. Just from where I'm standing, watching the others unload, I can see gem deposits in the hills. And I'm pretty sure that ore gleaming from the slate outcroppings is sphalerite - that's zinc ore, if you flunked out of geology 101 like I did (I had to ask Meng). And that silt loam, the hippy assures me, can be planted in without irrigation once we dig into it. So, y'know, that's cool. I don't like the look of those wastelands out east, though - hope whatever's running around out there decides to stay there.

[Hit "k" to view what's in any given space. Move the cursor around with the arrows (or "Shift" + arrows), and the menu will show you what's there. Press "Enter" to view whatever's there in more detail (doesn't work for everything). If there's more than one thing in that space, use the "-" and "+" keys to select which one you're looking at. "Space" to exit the menu.]

[ * on the map is generally either gems, ore or coal - in any case, it's valuable. You're better off having an experienced miner dig it out; novice miners leave barely any stone behind when they dig, while experienced ones will leave almost all of it intact. Ignore it for now; you've got more important things to do at this point.]

Well, near as I can figure, here's what we've got with us. Without taking some time to balance the books - and by that, I mean ordering Fath to balance the books - I can't be certain.

[From the root menu, hit "z" to view the fortress stocks. From the first menu, you can see the dwarf population, how much wealth you've created, imported, and exported (once you have a bookkeeper set up in an office), and your food stores. Left or Right cursor over to "Stocks" and hit "Enter" to totals of every item you currently have access to - but this, and the food stock list, are pretty much just a best guess until you have a bookkeeper taking inventory. More on that later.]

Guess we'd better start breaking down the wagon and stacking this shit.

[The wagon is a building, of sorts, but it's not one that does you any good. However, it can be broken down and the logs that went into making it recovered. "q" is the key to view any building or construction properties. Hit "q", move the "X" cursor near the wagon until it shows up in the menu, and then "x" to remove construction. Any dwarf with carpentry (in this case) enabled will start breaking it down.]

[Stockpiles are important - when you set up a stockpile for a certain thing, if a) there's empty space in the pile and b) there's some of that thing on the map, it creates a hauling job for a dwarf to go get the thing and put it on the pile.
Hit "p", then the letter for whatever kind of stockpile you want (such as "f" for food). Move the "X" cursor to one corner of the stockpile, hit "enter", move it to the opposite corner to define the size, and then hit "Enter" again. Space to exit the menu. Dwarves with the appropriate hauling job turned on will start moving crap as soon as they're finished whatever they're doing.

Important stockpiles to have at this stage are food, furniture, weapons and armor (if you brought any), wood, and refuse (without this one, your dwarves will just leave trash laying around the fortress to rot). Try to avoid stone stockpiles for now, especially big ones - you can clutter up the job queue pretty quick with 80 zillion stone hauling jobs, and there's gonna be a lot of loose stone sitting around shortly.]

No sooner had we set our packs down than that weirdo Cerol picks up her pole and starts wandering off to fish. I had to collar her and point her back towards this pile of crap we have to move. Besides, I told her, before she starts pulling fish out of the water to rot, maybe she'd like to set up a fishery to clean the damn things? I'm not eating fish with the scales on and the head still there and everything. Beady little eyes, just staring at you... Pheh.

[Dwarves with the fishing job turned on - which a dwarf with the fishing skill will automatically start off with - will fish in preference to almost any other task. If you want them to do something else, you need to turn off fishing for them.

Hit "v" - this is the key to "view" a creature, whether it's a dwarf, animal, goblin, whatever. Move the cursor close to a dorf - it'll automatically select whichever one's closest to the cursor. You'll see their name come up in the menu, along with their skill list. Hit "p" for "preferences," and "l" for "labor. Use the "-" and "+" keys on this menu to move the selection up and down, or the "*" and "/" keys to page up and down. Move the selection down to "Fish," which should be highlighted, and hit "Enter" to turn it off. Now that dwarf won't run off and fish until you turn the job back on (although if they're already fishing, they'll usually finish what they're doing).

This works for any dwarf, and any job. Once you have more specialists in your fortress, you'll want to turn off hauling jobs for them, and let the peasants take care of the manual labor. For now, don't worry about it.]

5th Granite

Had the entrance tunnel dug right in the saddle between the two plains - figure that way we've got access to both sides of the mountain. If I figured it right, we should be able to dig down a floor and get to that layer of loam, get some farms started. That should give that damn hippy something to do other than play with the bluebirds or whatever. I'll get a good exploratory shaft dug in, and then maybe a decent-sized storeroom hollowed out - the faster we get all that food in out of the rain, the less soggy plump helmet I have to eat. Once we move further into the mountain, we can use it for lumber storage.

[You need to designate where mining is to take place. Hit "d" to "designate" - if the cursor is underground, the menu defaults to "d" for "dig", otherwise hit "d" again. Move the cursor to where you want to start digging, and press "Enter." Move the cursor again to define an area, hit "Enter" again, then "Space" to exit. Any dwarves with "Mining" active will move to grab a pick and start digging. (This is another "high priority" job, so if you want a dwarf that's mining to do something else, and you've got a tunnel designated, turn off mining for that dwarf.)

If you want to cancel digging - or any other designation - hit "d", then "x" to cancel, then draw the area you want to cancel the same way you drew the dig. You can use this to "cut out" shapes in the dig area (like for supports). Unpause the game, and the dwarves will get to work.]

While that was going on, I had temporary mason's and carpenter's workshops erected outside - once we have space for them inside, we'll move them there, away from that damn sky. (It's just unnatural - the way it just goes up, and up, and up, and up, and oh sweet Arnok I think I have to

*script trails off here, flecks of what appear to be vomit are dried on the page*

[You'll want most, if not all, of your workshops inside, where they're defensible and safe from thieves (not to mention that some dwarves will become allergic to sunlight, or "cave adjusted"). But for now, just get'em up - you need beds and doors, ASAP.

Hit "b" to "build", "w" for "workshop", then "m" for "Mason's workshop". A 3x3 footprint will shop up on the map - move it around with the arrow keys 'til it's where you want it (somewhere near the entrance is good), then hit "Enter". (If the footprint is red, there's something blocking the structure - move it until it turns green.) The menu screen will switch to a list of the available materials - if your miners have dug out any stone, it'll show up here, as will any logs you got from the wagon. Just select one of the listed material types with "-" and "+", and press "Enter" to build. (Some structures will require more than one unit of materials. Try to use stone rather than wood - wood is a limited resource, whereas you'll have more stone than you know what to do with.)

A dwarf with the "architecture" job enabled will design it, and then one with the "masonry" job enabled will move to build it (collecting any materials he needs in the process). After you order the mason's shop built, do the same thing with a carpenter's shop - place this somewhere near the wood stockpile if you've got one. Same process, just hit "c" for "Carpenter's workshop" instead of "m".]


12th Granite

Got the entrance tunnel started, and got Zulban and Meng started on some beds and doors. (This camping shit's for elves, I'll take a bed indoors, thank you very much.)

[You need beds for your dwarves to sleep in - sleeping without a bed will give the dwarf an unhappy thought; enough of those, and they start throwing tantrums and breaking shit. Plus they tend to fall asleep in dangerous places. You also want doors to keep out animals and monsters (and to lock when you don't want the dumb dorfs outside). Also, dwarves just like doors - looking at a well-made door (or any other item of furniture) will give the dwarf a happy thought (which will balance out an unhappy one).

Press "q" to access a building, then move the cursor until the mason's shop shows up on the menu. Press "a" to "add" a task, then press "d" to select "build a door." You'll notice no materials appear - the mason will build it out of whatever stone's at hand; usually the nearest one to the shop. Press "a" and "d" a few more times to queue up a few doors - you can stack up to 10 jobs in one shop. If you add too many, or want to re-prioritize, select a current job with "-" and "+", and then either "c" to cancel or "p" to move the job towards the front of the queue.

After you start doors, select the carpenter's shop with "q", "a" to "add" a job, and "b" for "bed." Make seven at least - each dwarf should have one, ideally. Add a bucket or two after that - if one of your dwarves is injured, he'll need a bed to recuperate in and water, which a dwarf with the "health care" job enabled will bring to him. If there's no bucket available to carry water, the dwarf will die of thirst while his friends walk past him carting rocks around.]


17 Granite

Zulban comes up to me and says, "We're out of wood." I say, "What the fuck are you bothering me for, go chop some more wood!" Honestly, I have to think of everything, around here. Plus that pile of fish Cerol has been working on is starting to stink - gotta go tell her to put the pole down and start cleaning the damn things.

[If your fisher is also your fish cleaner, you need to turn "Fishing" on until they have some unprepared fish piled up (preferably in a food stockpile), and then off when you want them to actually clean the things at the fishery.]


25th Granite

I let Fath claim the one horse we brought with us as a pet. Maybe I can show her some of my special grooming techniques.


26th Granite

First night indoors - what a relief. The sounds out there at night aren't exactly what I'd call fucking reassuring. Birds and shit, crickets, the wind, fucking impossible to sleep with all that racket going on. In here, all you hear is mining picks against stone, dwarf snoring, and the comforting whinnies of livestock. Ahh, peace.

Tried to convince Fath that these beds were big enough for two, but she said sleeping on the stone is good for her back. Huh...

[Once you've got some beds and doors built, they'll sit in the furniture stockpile (or pile up in the workshop if you don't have a furniture stockpile). You'll need to "build" them with the "b" key - same as you did for the workshops, only instead of "w" you'll hit "d" or "b". Move the blinking footprint where you want the thing, hit enter, then select from the list of available furniture with "-/+/Enter". A dwarf with the furniture hauling job enabled will grab it from the stockpile and install it.

Now you can select the structure with the "q" button. Once you've got a bed placed, select it with "q", then press "r" to define a bedroom. Press "-" and "+" to determine the size of the room, then "Enter" to confirm it. If it's a private room, leave it as it is and a dwarf will claim it - if it's supposed to be for one in particular (like the manager), press "a" to assign it and "-/+/Enter" to select a dwarf. If it's a public sleeping area, press "b" to make it a barracks so all the dwarves without rooms will sleep there (and none of them try to claim the beds as their own). You only need to define a room from one bed in a barracks - any other beds in the room area will automatically be part of it.]

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Sep 10,2008 12:31am

6th Slate

Got the stocks moved inside, ordered the other jerks to set up a dining area, and made some good progress on another chamber - I'll move the mason's and carpenter's shops in there as soon as it's done. Gotta get that farm started - the hippy tells me that if we don't have it started before the beginning of summer, we won't have any plump helmets to brew by autumn. And the beer's going fast.


17th Slate

Broke down the workshops and set them up inside - except for that Arnok-cursed fishery; no way I want that shit 50 feet away from where I sleep. Also got a kitchen and a still set up - maybe now that crap-eating flowerfucker will do something useful for once.

27th Slate

So Ast comes to me and says she can't brew more beer because we don't have any empty barrels, and can she get some more barrels. I ask her if she thinks barrels grow on fucking trees, and she gives me kind of a funny look. Perhaps more research is necessary.

28th Slate

Ordered Zulban to cut more trees, build barrels.

9th Felsite

Good progress on excavating the lower halls, hopefully they'll break through to a layer of loam soon, and I can exile that hippy down there.

Also, I set up a kennels outside. It's been quiet so far, but I don't buy it - I'm gonna train those mutts we brought along as war dogs. Should supplement our practically-non-fucking-existant military rather nicely.

14th Felsite

Yes! They broke through to the soil today; now to clear out some farm and workshop space and wash that hippy right out my hair. (You know she tried to tell me I couldn't hit the war dogs? What does she think they're for, playing really agressive fetch? Tactical leg humping? I threw a rock at her.)

18th Felsite

Finished training the bitch. Now she's a war bitch. (Heh heh. "War bitch.") Assigned her to the axe freak - she's out there traipsing around with the trees enough, hopefully she'll run into anything that tries to cause us any trouble before it gets to anybody important. (Me. I meant me, diary.)

1st Hematite

Summer's here. Fucking yay. Here's where we stand, near as I can tell.

14th Hematite

Got the farms started. Hopefully now that dirtlover will stay down there.

16th Hematite

Saw that hippy up here again. Wandering around in the proper halls, carrying a rock. Asked her what the hell she was doing out of her dirt-hole, she says she's "just trying to help out, man." I stomped on her foot, told her to get the hell down there and don't do anything but farm and cook. Like I need a hippy to carry rocks.

17th Hematite

Domas is just about finished smoothing the front hallway - I told him I was sick of stubbing my toes on fucking rocks every time I went out to take a crap. Miner McShovelpants finally got my office and personal quarters cleared out, maybe I'll have Domas start in there, next.

2nd Malachite

Retard McMinershovelface comes running up to me with his mouth hanging open like a shithole lid. I ask him what's so unclefucking exciting, and when he catches his breath, this is what I get: "Boss, boss, we struck orthoclase!" I look at my orthoclase desk, and my orthoclase door, and then down at the still fucking unsmoothed floor (orthoclase), and wonder whether his parents were related.

5th Malachite

Saw to it that Fath was all set up with a desk and chair so she can finally get those crap-felching records updated. I go down to the food stores looking for some plump helmets to snack on, and I see twenty fucking unlabeled barrels full of Arnok knows what, and some shoeless dirt-smeared elf-loving excuse for a dwarf picking her nose with no idea what's in'em. Never again.

9th Malachite

Looking over the stockpiles now that we have some vague inkling of what we have on hand, and would you believe these morons have everything meticulously laid out on the floor, one item next to the other. I screamed at them all for about an hour and sent'em off to make some bins to toss all that shit into. Bunch of slack-jawed retards around here.

27th Malachite

Can't sleep with all that Arnok-damned chiselling. Can't rock-for-brains do that when I'm out for my walk?

5th Galena

It's almost the end of summer and we haven't gotten a fucking thing done as far as trade goods. I tell the mason to get that cockmongling pick out of his hand and go bang out some fucking rock toys or some shit. Something we can hawk off to human traders for beer. Can't fucking wait to see what kind of crap he comes up with.

6th Galena


14th Galena

Domas is still working on my office, and I noticed that none of the workshop-clearing I ordered was getting done. Can't anyone show any fucking initiative around here? I told him to knock it off, and I'D pick up a fucking pick and dig myself if that's what it took. Is this what I've been reduced to?

5th Limestone

The war dog I assigned to Zulban gave birth to puppies. That's 3 more war dogs, once they grow up. Sweet.

6th Limestone


11th Limestone

Now that we've got a handful of trinkets and beads to trade away, I realize we've got no trade depot to hawk them at. Shit. I collar some drones and have them start slapping something together.

12th Limestone

FUCKING MERCHANTS ARE HERE. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK. I can see the caravan across the plain - if we don't get that depot up, they'll leave without even unloading the wagons - I know how those union regulations are. Arnok's bearded balls, what am I gonna do?

13th Limestone.

Phew. Got it up in time. (Er, that's what she said.) (I love that joke.) I load up the depot with stone crap and some exceptional turtle biscuits. Let's see what they give us for that crap.

15th Limestone

They're here. Can't quite make out what they're unloading, and they won't let me anywhere near the bins until they're done. Assholes.

17th Limestone

"Zefon Mafolbokbon", the liason from the Mountainhomes. WHAT A DOUCHE. The guy just keeps following me around, hemming and hawing like he's waiting to say something. JUST FUCKING SPIT IT OUT. Can't he see I'm trying to get this crap to the depot? Shit, here he comes.

22nd Limestone

I trade him some stone crafts for a dog and two cages, three barrels of biscuits and some more trinkets for an iron anvil (why the fuck we didn't bring one in the first place, I don't know - I guess they were hoping to find an anvil tree), and the rest of the craft crap for a barrel of ale and some more plump helmet spawn. Not bad, I guess.

23rd Limestone

Zefon the Annoying finally cornered me in my office and screamed out, "WHAT REQUESTS DO YOU HAVE FOR OUR MERCHANTS?!?" I shrugged, asked for seeds, weapons and armor. Also trap components and dogs - can't forget the defense of the fortress, now can we? (Note to my successor - don't buy armor from the humans. They'll sell you the shit, and then when they leave and you unwrap it, it's all human-sized. Fuckers.)

27th Limestone

Well, here's the trade agreement we hammered out. Why they have such a burning need for scepters and meat is anybody's guess. In any case, whoever takes over this shithole next year, they'll pay extra for this crap when they come back.

2nd Sandstone

Well, the bitching and moaning finally got to me, so I ordered some individual living quarters carved out. If you didn't know any better, you'd think that just because I have a barely-adequate private quarters, all these lazy mouth-breathers deserved them. Ridiculous. Well, whatever keeps them quiet.

8th Sandstone

Fath kept bugging me about how we're not safe in here, and her engineering degree and traps and mechanisms and blah blah blah. Finally, just to shut her up I let her start cranking out some components in the mechanic's shop in her spare time. Women, right?

18th Sandstone

THOSE FUCKING MERCHANTS FINALLY LEFT. They've been standing out there for like a month, long after we all stopped talking to them, plaintatively waving bolts of cloth and shit at us. I finally told everyone to stop looking at them, maybe that did it. Buncha creeps.

20th Sandstone

Fath built some traps in the entrance hallway, two cage traps and two stonefall traps, had this big fucking presentation showing us all where the pressure plates were and where not to stand and how to rearm them and shit. What a waste of time - like I'm gonna get caught in one of our own traps.

21st Sandstone

I should have her take those fucking things out. My toe may never heal like this.

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Sep 10,2008 12:32am

17th Timber

Zulban created a masterpiece bed. The fortress is all a-buzz about it. I saw it. It was a really nice bed. Woo-hoo.

3rd Opal

Fath is messing around with that brainless chiseller Meng. What's he got that I haven't? I should have him build himself a room with no doors.

6th Opal

Zulban ran into a fucking giant eagle when she was out chopping wood. What's with all the giant animals in the world, anyway, huh? It's almost like some god-like creator figure just ran out of ideas for floating eyeballs and monsters that are just two animals crossed together (fucking owlbears and racoonfish and shit), and just said, "Fuck it - we'll just have giant versions of everything. Giant woodchucks, sure, go."

Anyway, I sent her and Domas the Dumbass out to deal with it.

12th Opal

Fucking great. Apparently the eagle took one look at our little expeditionary force (two dwarves, two wardogs, and three warpuppies - well, puppies), swooped down and tore out Domas' throat and flew off like nothing happened. So, whoever gets this job next, you're short a miner. Oh well. Next thing you know all the dwarves drop what they're doing to run out and fight over his pants and shit. Weirdos. Zulban's all broken up - wouldn't you know they were screwing? I guess now it would be in bad taste to have her cats butchered like I was planning.

So anyway, now i have to get a tomb for the retard dug by the end of winter. Lovely.

23rd Obsidian

We struck native silver! I noted the location on the map; it's where we were digging out the tomb complex - whoever mines this out, make sure and only let the experienced miners touch it; the newbies will destroy as much as they recover.

27th Obsidian

And again - struck a cluster of sunstone. This tomb is turning out to be downright profitable.

1st Granite

Spring's here! Time for some other loser to boss these dolts around. I'll stick around in the Trader post - never know what kinda swag you can score if you're the first one at the caravan - and I'm sure I'll always be a Leader of sorts to the slack-jawed dirt pushers in this Arnok-forsaken hole, but fuck me if I'm gonna be signing off on work orders and shit for another year.

[Whoever gets this next - you'll want to assign "your" dwarf as Manager ("n" for "nobles", down to "Outpost Manager" and "Enter" to fill the vacancy with the dorf of your choice), and nickame him - Obok will probably stay Leader until somebody more qualified shows up (as the dwarves pick this position, and his Intimidate's pretty high), and he's the only trader you've got. Fath should probably stay the Clerk for the time being. You can kick Obok out of his office if you want, but he needs at least a throne room to conduct meetings - probably better to just build yourself a new office.]

[Food's looking good so far, but drink's getting kinda low. I took the liberty of assigning crops to the plots for all four seasons - feel free to change them. And one of the craft shops is set to "make infinite stone crafts" - this a low-priority job, so the mason will do other shit before he does this, usually. Again, change it if you want.]

[Expect some immigrants in the mid-spring - as many as 20 or so. Some of them will share rooms - married couples and their kids only need one bed (creepy) - but you'll still probably want to excavate some more bedrooms - keep'em away from the workshops (see "noise" on the wiki). Or don't. If none show up for a whole year, we may want to start over again, but if you build enough shit and excavate enough stone (increasing the "Created Wealth"), they should start coming in droves.]

[Also, you'll want to build a coffin in the tomb complex once it's excavated, and then designate the room as a tomb, so they'll bury Domas in there - otherwise Zulban's liable to flip out and kill everyone if he gets left to rot. I designated a graveyard stockpile down there, so keep that in mind.

Have fun.]

toggletoggle post by aril at Sep 10,2008 8:45am

toggletoggle post by DestroyYouAlot  at Sep 10,2008 6:01pm
So, who's next?

toggletoggle post by aril at Sep 11,2008 11:08am
I don't think anyone on this board has the tenacity to participate in this with you.
i'd check other boards with more nerds, man.

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