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returntothepit >> discuss >> I love getting dumped for ex boyfriends! by sever on Jul 9,2008 2:08am
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toggletoggle post by sever at Jul 9,2008 2:08am
sure do!

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Jul 9,2008 2:27am

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2008 2:37am
that will teach you to date dudes.

toggletoggle post by sever at Jul 9,2008 2:38am
the_reverend said[orig][quote]
that will teach you to date dudes.


toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2008 8:18am
tis better to love dudes and lose then never to have love dudes at all.

toggletoggle post by metal_church101  at Jul 9,2008 10:28am

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 10:41am
You didn't get dumped for the man, you got dumped for the cock.

Women don't care about character or personality, the only thing they think about is mountains of cock.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2008 11:07am
time for me to bump the dicks thread.

toggletoggle post by sever at Jul 9,2008 11:36am
My cock is monstrous. No way in the west can it be out-gunned.

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 11:44am
It's not even a size thing. When women (ALL women) realize something else has a dick, they need to jump all over it as if they forgot their previous commitment had a cock.

Women are ALL cheating, slutty, worthless, empty sells of people.

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 11:47am
As a man, you can do anything you want without taking your clothes off. The same is not true for women.

Being in politics as a woman requires you to take your clothes off. Being in movies as a woman requires you to take your clothes off. Being in the Army as a woman requires you to take your clothes off. Even getting in Penthouse as a woman requires you to take your clothes off.

Not so for a man.

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 11:48am
I don’t mean this to be a provocateur or to prance around in the realm of the hypothetical like some kind of dandy. I mean, flat out, that every woman in the world is a cheater, has cheated, and is probably cheating at this very moment.

Getting a woman to cheat on her husband or significant other is not like getting a woman to go to the gym — by heaping shitloads of gifts and attention on her like a spoilt child and then ultimately getting no burn for your earn. Getting a woman to cheat is like getting a duck to eat bread crumbs or a rat to eat rubbish. All you have to do is toss it in front of their face.

It’s not a hard conclusion to draw, so let’s just look at the facts. Getting attention from men is a woman’s lifeblood. That’s why women worship men in the form of menial tasks that they’re not very good at — because men control our attention like the gods of old controlled the sun and the crypt. We giveth and we can taketh away.

Good attention, bad attention, the worst kind of attention; it doesn’t matter. To a woman, being in a Girls Gone Wild video is just as laudable as serving in a highly respected public office. They stack up eyeballs like empty pie plates at a NOW convention.

So let’s compare: a woman’s lust for attention versus a man’s desire to consume or waste things — something very manly indeed. Take throwing a sandwich in the street for example. Do you know what’s better than throwing a sandwich in the street? That’s right, throwing two sandwiches in the street. Now what if that sandwich cost twice as much as the first? What if you had to wait in line again to get it? I would probably still do it and I’m betting that most men would. But what if dealing with two sandwiches cost you your dignity, your job, and your soul?

Women, of course, have none of those things — or at least don’t have 2 out of 3. That’s why when we change ’sandwiches’ to ‘men’ and ‘throwing them in the street’ to ‘getting any kind of attention from them’, we can easily draw the conclusion that women would do anything, and would stop at the destruction of nothing, for more of it.

Not even guilt will stop women from being the cheating harlots that they are. That’s because women think that cheating requires some kind of expressed willingness or premeditation on their part to actually count. I shit you not, that is exactly what they say. To a woman true cheating requires a planning and malice on par with a bank robbery. If the only evidence of infidelity you can produce is that she got drunk and put herself in a compromising position, you’re up argument creek without a chance in hell.

Can you believe that? It means if a woman can somehow convince a co-worker to force himself on her, or to “rape” her, that doesn’t count as cheating. It’s just another horrible thing that’s happened to poor defenseless her in this dog eat dog, man-world of rape happy abusers. That’s obviously a bunch of bullshit, but stand back because it gets worse.

Women also don’t count miring themselves in twisted, Dynasty-styled emotional affairs as cheating. For instance, a woman may hang around with as many as five or six of her ex-boyfriends without batting an eye. She may accept niceties from male co-workers or university staff members without ever questioning the motive of a free backrub. That’s a perfectly reasonable thing to be handing out, isn’t it? A free backrub? They’re like porno pamphlets in Vegas. Sometimes I can’t even get to work without getting two or three.


Like any virus, women are not content with ruining their own lives. Ultimately, they seek out the lives of decent, honest men and tempt and corrupt them until they appear to be cheaters as well when nothing could be further from the truth. Cheating is like getting pregnant. It’s 100% a woman’s fault 100% of the time.

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 11:49am
We all know that men are better than women at everything; I’ve discussed and proved many reasons why on this site. Men are stronger. Men are smarter. Men are able to put their thoughts into words in order to communicate whereas women can’t mentally hold onto anything that isn’t sparkly or fluffy.

It’s true. Men are the super adhesive man-glue that holds society together by the seat of its ass, and women are that crappy sticky strip that holds Post It notes on your computer screen. They won’t stick to anything and goddamn if you’ll ever get that strip of gummy residue off your monitor, but at least you remembered Carole’s bullshit birthday party is in the lunchroom in 5 minutes. Fantastic.

In the past, I may have been a little hard on women. Sure, it’s easy to say that they’ll never achieve on par with a man or have as much of an impact on history because of science and genetics. That’s obvious. Women have tiny woman brains that are soaked in “crazy juice” (estrogen or some such thing — some kind of feminine hormone) like a big fat sponge at a big fat car wash. But that’s not a robust explanation. Not robust at all.

Only half of women’s ineptituderies can be blamed on their second rate biology. Let’s hypothesize now that the other half of the gold brick is a woman’s attitude. Her shitty, piss-poor attitude. Her attitude of backstabbing, undercutting, and most importantly bar lowering. And here I’m talking about role models.

Remember back when you were 25 and you thought of how much better you could make the world if you were Batman? Or maybe even further back. How about Steve McQueen or James Bond or O.J. Simpson…Indiana Jones? My point is that the heroes and role models of men are the spring boards to their success. They are the whip master of the conscience and a lifelong commitment. Men and young men have always looked to the heroes of history and cinema and thought to themselves, “Boy I sure want to emulate that guy and thereby increase the global quality of life.” And you know what? It works. It works.

That’s where women come in. Right when everything’s looking great. First of all, try to even come up with a female role model. Give it some real thought.

Sigourney Weaver from Alien? Yea, that’s about all I could come up with too. And, as we all know, that part was written for a man. Imagine how great that movie would have been as a Writer’s Cut. Let me give some alarming answers that I received from women of all ages when I asked them to participate in the very same thought experiment.

1. Paris Hilton
2. Tara reid
3. Princess Di
4. Their mother

Promiscuous sex and drunken debauchery does not a role model make — unless you’re a woman apparently. I swear, women set the bar so low that they’d have to dig a grave themselves just to fail. Who’s the grave for you ask? Chivalry — or grace, I don’t know. Throw the whole shit in there it’s all big cluster fuck anyway

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 11:51am
Ever wonder why the only place you can get a home cooked, fresh baked apple pie these days is at Marie Calendar’s or at your grandmother’s house?

It’s because during a movement called “Women’s Liberation”, women traded cooking and cleaning for blowjobs

Does anyone also remember when men worldwide exchanged being the sole breadwinner of the house for listening to their woman’s endless screed of woman problems?

No, no one does. That’s because it never happened.

Men don’t operate like that. All of us work on one principle: always going up and always going faster — and better whenever possible, which to a man is all the time. That means we don’t get to trade shit we don’t want to do for things like are easier, like how today’s modern, “liberated” women traded cooking and cleaning for blowjobs.

How typical of the laziness of the female species. When men are requested to do something in addition to what they’re already doing, they just say, “Well I guess I better do that then.” Then they fucking do it.

Women, however, ration their time out in bits and pieces like it was worth half a damn in the first place. The whole thing is amateur and childish, really. Imagine if men worked that way. When we men invented farming and agriculture, we would have just stopped hunting all together and became a veganous species of some kind.

Would you like from fries with your Big Mac? No, because there’s no such thing as a Big Mac in a world without meat. And that’s exactly what we would have if women ran the show. No meat, just a bunch of aimless dreams and junior high grab-ass horseshit.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2008 12:17pm
someone has had their balls removed. snoodle time.

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Jul 9,2008 1:02pm
Man, I thought I had a bad outlook on women in general..........

toggletoggle post by cav nli at Jul 9,2008 1:08pm
Women have tiny woman brains that are soaked in “crazy juice”

that is fucking scientific

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Jul 9,2008 1:09pm
cav%20nli said[orig][quote]
Women have tiny woman brains that are soaked in “crazy juice”

that is fucking scientific


toggletoggle post by xmikex at Jul 9,2008 1:15pm
My point is that the heroes and role models of men are the spring boards to their success. They are the whip master of the conscience and a lifelong commitment. Men and young men have always looked to the heroes of history and cinema and thought to themselves, “Boy I sure want to emulate that guy and thereby increase the global quality of life.” And you know what? It works.

I'm intensely jelous of how well composed this was. Get this man a grant and let him write a book.

And slutty girls ALWAYS list their mom as their hero.

Sever, let's hear this story. Please leave out no details, embarassing photos, or phone numbers.

toggletoggle post by mOe  at Jul 9,2008 1:16pm
n00dz or gtfo

toggletoggle post by archaeon at Jul 9,2008 1:22pm
xmikex said[orig][quote]
My point is that the heroes and role models of men are the spring boards to their success. They are the whip master of the conscience and a lifelong commitment. Men and young men have always looked to the heroes of history and cinema and thought to themselves, “Boy I sure want to emulate that guy and thereby increase the global quality of life.” And you know what? It works.

I'm intensely jelous of how well composed this was. Get this man a grant and let him write a book.

And slutty girls ALWAYS list their mom as their hero.

Sever, let's hear this story. Please leave out no details, embarassing photos, or phone numbers.

copy pastez

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Jul 9,2008 1:38pm
archaeon said[orig][quote]
xmikex said[orig][quote]
My point is that the heroes and role models of men are the spring boards to their success. They are the whip master of the conscience and a lifelong commitment. Men and young men have always looked to the heroes of history and cinema and thought to themselves, “Boy I sure want to emulate that guy and thereby increase the global quality of life.” And you know what? It works.

I'm intensely jelous of how well composed this was. Get this man a grant and let him write a book.

And slutty girls ALWAYS list their mom as their hero.

Sever, let's hear this story. Please leave out no details, embarassing photos, or phone numbers.

copy pastez


toggletoggle post by metal_church101  at Jul 9,2008 1:52pm
She wants attention.

No problem.

Just bitch slap her the way she likes it.

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 2:24pm
xmikex said[orig][quote]
My point is that the heroes and role models of men are the spring boards to their success. They are the whip master of the conscience and a lifelong commitment. Men and young men have always looked to the heroes of history and cinema and thought to themselves, “Boy I sure want to emulate that guy and thereby increase the global quality of life.” And you know what? It works.

I'm intensely jelous of how well composed this was. Get this man a grant and let him write a book.

And slutty girls ALWAYS list their mom as their hero.

Sever, let's hear this story. Please leave out no details, embarassing photos, or phone numbers.

It's all from men are better then women. There's some other good shit on

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2008 2:25pm

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Jul 9,2008 2:26pm
"When a woman says nothing is wrong, everything is wrong
When a woman says something isn't funny, you better not laugh your ass off!
praise homer.

toggletoggle post by Conservationist  at Jul 9,2008 3:06pm

toggletoggle post by xanonymousx at Jul 9,2008 4:18pm
Nicc%20nli said[orig][quote]
You didn't get dumped for the man, you got dumped for the cock.

Women don't care about character or personality, the only thing they think about is mountains of cock. she found OG!
all and all this sucks dude...
hopefully it was all for the best.

toggletoggle post by Dankill at Jul 9,2008 7:16pm
Nic is my hero of the day.

toggletoggle post by swamplorddvm  at Jul 9,2008 8:26pm
Nicc%20nli said[orig][quote]
You didn't get dumped for the man, you got dumped for the cock.

Women don't care about character or personality, the only thing they think about is mountains of cock.

Hah! Wrong! Well, sorta.

What MOST women want. (given by nature, they really can't help it.)

1. Wealth. One who can provide for them and the offspring. This can overide the attraction for a healthy muscular type.

2.Status. A secure place in society=Security=some wealth. (better than no wealth a all) Now, they like guys who are social and "with it". but sometimes go for a misterious dude OR a guy who is a "bad ass rebel" because he seems like his own person (doesn't follow the rule of others which seems familiar to someone with high status.)

3.Assholes. Assholes step over other people to get to a higher status and wealth either by fighting or other methods. Also a big ego can help sometimes. That shows confidence in one's social status. (Instinct: This clicks in their heads, then the legs open) The whole nice guy doesn't work for long. Some women might go back to nice guys when they become older and abit wiser.

4.Healthy physical shape. This was good for way back when all humans had to work hard for food and to defend their clan/tribe or whatever. Also good for establishing one's higher status. Also good for being an asshole.
Fat or skinny rich dudes will have plenty of broads, but their women will probably cheat on them with some more attractive man.

Ofcourse humans are alittle more complicated than most animals so some of these don't work out as I explained.

and, yes, we men have our "shallow" ways of picking our mates.

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 8:34pm
Sorry mate, that's all rubbish.

The only thing they want is new dick.. or.. more.

toggletoggle post by swamplorddvm  at Jul 9,2008 8:46pm
btw my list of what MOST women want is very true with sub or counter cultures. (Metal, punk, hardcore, goths, rockabilly...)

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Jul 9,2008 8:49pm
How dare you paste tuckermax w/o an acknowledgement!!
Good thing youre legal, because that is grounds for deportation!!

xmikex how could you think he wrote that and didnt have a bestseller on the nytimes top 100!?

toggletoggle post by swamplorddvm  at Jul 9,2008 8:52pm

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Jul 9,2008 9:05pm edited Jul 9,2008 9:07pm
Without demeaning or talking down to any of you young, explorative gents, I must say this:

YOU have to be a good man, to find a good woman.
No woman is going to be with someone who is not in their league.

Of course no one is perfect, but dont expect any woman to stay around if you are out being a manwhore, degrading, abusive (verbally, mentally, physically), or otherwise a poor partner.

Believe it or not, fucking, while high on the list, is NOT the pinnacle of a relationship.
Does it help if you lay the pipe wisely, correctly, and with thrustforth endearment? Sure it does.
Does it mean that your significant other is taking shaft behind your back, because you were not blessed with the master fuck skills?
Not if you make up for it in MANY other aspects.

Luckily, I do not have this problem, as I lay snake in ways no man can imagine, however, I have extreme confidence that if GOD FORBID something awful were to happen to my wang, I wouldnt be out of a spouse.

Thus, I have been with my woman for 14 years.
I am not wealthy, extremely handsome, or even close to approaching any 'status'. Shit, we are not even married.

You just have to find the right woman. You may never find one, maybe you will.
Just dont settle, because doing so will only set you up for epic failure, resulting in a thread like this.
No offense, sever.
This isnt at all aimed at you. Just an overall observation.
Good luck with your next tang owner.

The Jesse Montana.

toggletoggle post by sever at Jul 9,2008 9:16pm
I also love not sleeping for 32 hours.

fuck this shit

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 9:28pm
powerkok said[orig][quote]
Without demeaning or talking down to any of you young, explorative gents, I must say this:

YOU have to be a good man, to find a good woman.
No woman is going to be with someone who is not in their league.

Of course no one is perfect, but dont expect any woman to stay around if you are out being a manwhore, degrading, abusive (verbally, mentally, physically), or otherwise a poor partner.

Believe it or not, fucking, while high on the list, is NOT the pinnacle of a relationship.
Does it help if you lay the pipe wisely, correctly, and with thrustforth endearment? Sure it does.
Does it mean that your significant other is taking shaft behind your back, because you were not blessed with the master fuck skills?
Not if you make up for it in MANY other aspects.

Luckily, I do not have this problem, as I lay snake in ways no man can imagine, however, I have extreme confidence that if GOD FORBID something awful were to happen to my wang, I wouldnt be out of a spouse.

Thus, I have been with my woman for 14 years.
I am not wealthy, extremely handsome, or even close to approaching any 'status'. Shit, we are not even married.

You just have to find the right woman. You may never find one, maybe you will.
Just dont settle, because doing so will only set you up for epic failure, resulting in a thread like this.
No offense, sever.
This isnt at all aimed at you. Just an overall observation.
Good luck with your next tang owner.

The Jesse Montana.

I'm telling you man. It's cock and cock only.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Jul 9,2008 10:06pm
Your opinion counts, my friend, but I must disagree.
Although, based on your theory, I am safe in that dept!!
After all, I AM powerkok!!

toggletoggle post by Nicc nli at Jul 9,2008 10:08pm

This man has the system beat.

toggletoggle post by RustyPS  at Jul 10,2008 8:31am
swamplorddvm said[orig][quote]
Nicc%20nli said[orig][quote]
You didn't get dumped for the man, you got dumped for the cock.

Women don't care about character or personality, the only thing they think about is mountains of cock.

Hah! Wrong! Well, sorta.

What MOST women want. (given by nature, they really can't help it.)

1. Wealth. One who can provide for them and the offspring. This can overide the attraction for a healthy muscular type.

2.Status. A secure place in society=Security=some wealth. (better than no wealth a all) Now, they like guys who are social and "with it". but sometimes go for a misterious dude OR a guy who is a "bad ass rebel" because he seems like his own person (doesn't follow the rule of others which seems familiar to someone with high status.)

3.Assholes. Assholes step over other people to get to a higher status and wealth either by fighting or other methods. Also a big ego can help sometimes. That shows confidence in one's social status. (Instinct: This clicks in their heads, then the legs open) The whole nice guy doesn't work for long. Some women might go back to nice guys when they become older and abit wiser.

4.Healthy physical shape. This was good for way back when all humans had to work hard for food and to defend their clan/tribe or whatever. Also good for establishing one's higher status. Also good for being an asshole.
Fat or skinny rich dudes will have plenty of broads, but their women will probably cheat on them with some more attractive man.

Ofcourse humans are alittle more complicated than most animals so some of these don't work out as I explained.

and, yes, we men have our "shallow" ways of picking our mates.

0/4 for me....I'm screwed

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