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returntothepit >> discuss >> Madball tonight in Boston by futurebreed on Feb 21,2007 2:17pm
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Feb 21, 2007 Roxy Underground (Boston. Ma)
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madball - 2007-02-21
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shipwreck - 2007-02-21
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toggletoggle post by futurebreed   at Feb 21,2007 2:17pm

Note: SHIPWRECK is opening

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 21,2007 2:35pm
I'm going to be there.
I was waiting to hear back from MLE, but I'm sure I'm set.

toggletoggle post by Sacreligion at Feb 21,2007 2:36pm
i'm sure some songs about a struggle will be played

toggletoggle post by xanonymousx at Feb 21,2007 2:37pm
damn that dude on tthe right is huge.

toggletoggle post by Kinslayer at Feb 21,2007 2:55pm
Fuck. I kinda want to go...

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Feb 21,2007 3:39pm
hey rev what time you leaving for this? will you be coming from work? i need to guestimate when i should leave by to make it from north andover in time for shipwreck. this should be a good one

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 21,2007 3:41pm
I'm leaving around 5-5:30.
I'm guessing it'll take like 30 minutes to get into Boston.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Feb 21,2007 4:12pm
alright i was just worried about traffic and shit. has anyone been to this venue yet by the way?

toggletoggle post by futurebreed   at Feb 21,2007 4:14pm
They used to do shows downstairs (where this is at)... It's supposedly like 500 capacity for the area this show is at.

toggletoggle post by futurebreed   at Feb 21,2007 4:14pm edited Feb 21,2007 4:15pm
Hey Rev, I talked to Eric about the show on Sunday. He said we should be all set for shooting. I mentioned that I suspected you'd be there, and also there's some other regulars that'll be snapping

toggletoggle post by inject-now at Feb 21,2007 4:21pm
pretty sure i will be at this.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 21,2007 4:30pm
doors or first band at 6?

toggletoggle post by futurebreed   at Feb 21,2007 4:39pm
Pretty sure it's doors at 6

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Feb 21,2007 4:41pm
does anyone know where to park for this??

toggletoggle post by Kevord  at Feb 21,2007 4:45pm
I'd park in the lot under the Common.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 21,2007 5:14pm
I'm just going to drive around until I see a spot.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 21,2007 5:44pm
geez.. leaving now finally!

toggletoggle post by Kinslayer at Feb 21,2007 6:23pm
Is this one of those 'over by 10pm' shows?

toggletoggle post by Niccolai   at Feb 21,2007 9:49pm
Head automatica tonight...

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 21,2007 10:56pm
yes, all roxy shows are

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Feb 21,2007 10:59pm
jesus christ the traffic going. i wanted to kill myself.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 21,2007 11:02pm
I wasn't bad at all for me once I got past 95x93

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 22,2007 12:00am
pictures in a minute

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 22,2007 12:01am
I was amazed that the number of people who went to this show who I would never expect to be there

toggletoggle post by futurebreed   at Feb 22,2007 12:08am
funnn show

toggletoggle post by DAVESTF nli at Feb 22,2007 1:56am
Such an awesome show. Madball is sooo killer! Rev.. do you know where Todd Pollock posts his pictures up at?

toggletoggle post by 123 at Feb 22,2007 7:28am
review?? rev you've been fallin off on reviews

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Feb 22,2007 7:40am
longer sets would have been nice for 15 dollars

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 22,2007 8:09am
I got a $40 parking ticket after this show. I parked in a metered spot thinking it was fine. I came to find out that there was a resident parking after 6 sign 50 feet down the street behind a tree. You know where you don't get parking tickets for shows? Brockton.

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Feb 22,2007 8:11am
brockton aint downtown boston, guy

toggletoggle post by DAVESTF nli at Feb 22,2007 8:27am
STF got a ticket for the exact same reason mike!

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 22,2007 8:33am
todd doesn't really post his pictures any where. I think he gives them to the bands or something. I will link his myspace when I get to work.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 22,2007 8:50am
anonymous said:
brockton aint downtown boston, guy

Wow, think so? Do you work for Rand McNally? I'm gonna forward that this thread to Mapquest corporate headquarters and see about getting you a job.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 22,2007 9:21am
damn it, that could have be MY moment to shine.
stupid stupid stupid stupid.

toggletoggle post by swinesack nli at Feb 22,2007 10:15am
sick show.

and I learned something, Boston is a place where "friends don't let their friends fight alone." I need some friends.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 22,2007 10:16am
there were fights? i don't even know why i go to shows, i get too drunk to remember anything anyways.

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Feb 22,2007 1:00pm
This was fun. I was bummed I missed Shipwreck, though.

Also, what was with the early end? Did they have a dance party or some such bullshit going on after the show?

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 22,2007 1:10pm
tbone_r nli said:
there were fights? i don't even know why i go to shows, i get too drunk to remember anything anyways.


toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 22,2007 1:36pm
like I said, this venue looks like a person in the 80's tried to design what rock bars in the future would look like. I kept waiting for that "electronic, super sonic" video to kick off in front of 20 mirrors. BLAST OFF!!! Unfortunately no keytars. Besides that it was cool. the shows have to be over for curfew? something about after hours club or something. they should have let them open the doors at 6pm so that the bands would have longer sets.

shipwreck: I've been spoiled and seen 2 amazing shipwreck performances before this one. They played really well and all, but there wasn't really much engery (besides a drunken tboner) and they seemed really cramped up on the stage.

since the flood: first time seeing them since the new CD dropped. the new tracks sound pretty awesome. To correct what chuck said, Laid to Rest was on the re-issue of V+V on metal blade and not on the original CD. The new songs that they played, they have been playing for about a year now so everyone could sing along. By the end of the set, they seemed to have bridged the gap between the stage and the crowd. it's weird.. like they just have a little window to get at the crowd between those cabs. I think they need to move the PAs out a little more. Their set ended with small pile ups of people singing about what they have in their heart and that you never turn your back on your brother.

death before dishonor: similar situation with the PAs being in the way. I'm sure mose people in the crowd didn't see Dave at all. it didn't matter once the music started. They played all their hits in the short amount of time they were allotted. their set was short, but definitely great to see them playing in boston. the pile up of people singing along at the end was even bigger than STF's as people screamed about how they will be true until the time of their demise.

madball: I judge madball sets by one fact: rap or no rap. lately, they are following the trends from the CDs and just getting heavier and faster live. they stay away from all the songs that have rap in them. Since there was no rapping, I thoroughly enjoyed this set. first off, they took a long time to get on the stage. someone should have warned them about the curfew before hand and they could have jumped up on stage quicker and gotten more songs done. their set-list was HUGE. when freddy said "ok, now we are warmed up" he wasn't fooling around. they had like 20+ songs on their set list. I think they got through about 14 of them. The set was nothing but sing alongs. great!

this whole show was an awesome introduction to what might turn out to be the return of hardcore to boston. MLE and all have a bunch of shows listed at the Roxy coming up (comeback kid, bane/haveheart, locust/daath/cattle decap/daughters) and it's looking good. Hopefully, they will start shows a bit earlier and tell the bands that there is a curfew. Also, I'm hoping that no one fucks up this place and it's fruity decor. that would end shows there real fast.

there is a picture of carina's favorite security guard (arm in sling, but he was talking pictures too) and a the security inside was really nice.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 22,2007 1:37pm
tboner took 15 minutes to put my number in his phone. some how I kept ending up in the 608 area code and not the 603. Then he introduced me to futurebreed (dan) like 20 times, but warned him no matter how good his pictures get, I'm still his boy.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 22,2007 2:57pm
i should have introduced you to my butt. who fought?

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 22,2007 3:06pm

freddy treats me like a princess and holds my hand. chivalry is not dead.

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Feb 22,2007 8:30pm
Gentleman and a scholar.

toggletoggle post by Charlie at Feb 22,2007 9:03pm
dood i was very drunk. very drunk

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Feb 22,2007 9:03pm
You're a good man.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 22,2007 9:19pm
I'm pretty sure that you were just grabbing the monitor and slamming it down

toggletoggle post by ConquerTheBaphomet  at Feb 22,2007 11:03pm
I almost went to this but I ran out of funds while I was in Boston this weel.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 22,2007 11:05pm
the_reverend said:
I'm pretty sure that you were just grabbing the monitor and slamming it down

would explain the bruises on my right hand. well played.

toggletoggle post by Niccolai   at Feb 23,2007 1:10am
tbone_r nli said:
the_reverend said:
I'm pretty sure that you were just grabbing the monitor and slamming it down

would explain the bruises on my right hand. well played.

That doesn't compare to the time you were trashed at the Rohis show and took the microphone in the middle of the set and started screaming I love boners.

Or the time during kings of brockton when affiliated played and you took of your shirt and said if everyone else didn't take of their shirt they were pussies.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 23,2007 2:12am
im here. im queer. deal with it.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 23,2007 8:08am
or the time it looked like some kid wanted to fight you during Rohis, and a handful of us stepped to this kid all serious only to find you rolling around on the floor laughing and kicking your legs in the air like a ladybug.

toggletoggle post by Niccolai   at Feb 23,2007 11:41am
haha Tom should get into every show for free.

and I need to book more shows at Romans.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 23,2007 11:59am
I looked down at him more than once and he was doing a seig heil hand gesture to the bands. I just shook my head.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 23,2007 1:24pm
i still have my drinking bracelet from this show, and on it i wrote "WWILD." So next time i find myself getting too drunk at a show I will look down and think "what would ian larrabe do?" I dont really know what Ian Larrabe would do in that situation, but im sure it's not drink a whole bottle of jager. He probably wouldn't wear a pink bracelet either.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 23,2007 1:28pm
He'd look in the mirror and say "I'm Ian Larabee... I'm the fucking man." and then do whatever the hell he wanted to do without appologizing to anyone for it.

toggletoggle post by xmikex at Feb 23,2007 1:30pm
- What was it I taught you guys?
- Par...tee....down?

*freeze frame cue Louie Louie*

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 23,2007 1:48pm
what a handsome guy

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Feb 23,2007 2:18pm
if i know anything about anything, it's that my suspicions of tom's homo man crush on ian larrabee still remain strong.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r nli at Feb 23,2007 2:59pm
when i crush i crush hard.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Feb 23,2007 3:10pm
it's a party, it doesn't have to make sense.

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