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returntothepit >> discuss >> SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY by Nick COA on Sep 4,2005 1:33am
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Sep 4, 2005 the Mallard (Brockton, Ma)
100_demons - 2005-09-04
100 Demons(92)
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black_my_heart - 2005-09-04
Black My Heart(67)
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cannae - 2005-09-04
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cheech - 2005-09-04
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colin_of_arabia - 2005-09-04
Colin Of Arabia(97)
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cut_throat - 2005-09-04
Cut Throat(93)
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only_revenge - 2005-09-04
Only Revenge(43)
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p-boy - 2005-09-04
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randomshots - 2005-09-04
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righteous_jams - 2005-09-04
Righteous Jams(74)
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ruining_tomorrow - 2005-09-04
Ruining Tomorrow(41)
flash animated slider show
Sep 4, 2005 Tiger's Den (Brockton, Ma)
cant_stand_losing - 2005-09-04
Can’t Stand Losing(58)
flash animated slider show
date_rape - 2005-09-04
Date Rape(36)
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death_before_dishonor - 2005-09-04
Death Before Dishonor(114)
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death_threat - 2005-09-04
Death Threat(96)
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far_out - 2005-09-04
Far Out(36)
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for_the_worse - 2005-09-04
For The Worse(32)
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in_our_blood - 2005-09-04
In Our Blood(48)
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one_false_move - 2005-09-04
One False Move(18)
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palehorse - 2005-09-04
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randomshots - 2005-09-04
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since_the_flood - 2005-09-04
Since The Flood(98)
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the_killer - 2005-09-04
The Killer(55)
flash animated slider show
toggletoggle post by Nick COA at Sep 4,2005 1:33am
FALLEN FRIENDS 2 Benefit show 100 DEmons Death Threat Righteous Jams Colin Of Arabia The Killer Ruining TomorrowThe Confrontation, Black my Heart, Cheech, Only Revenge, Shattered Realm, DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR, Suffocate Faster, P-Boy, SINCE THE FLOOD, Affiliated, CANT STAND LOSING, Shere Khan, Cutthroat, RAMALLAH ALL AGES $$$20$$$
Romans And Mallards(the building next door)
doors at 11 am- 11 pm

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 1:55am
I was just going ot post about this.
I thought roman's was now called "the lion's den" or something like that.

toggletoggle post by Nick COA at Sep 4,2005 2:22am
yeah romans is now called the tiger's den. same club just a new sign. the doors are suppose to open at 11 but bands wont start until noon

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 2:35am
fuck.. that means I need to leave here at like 10am.
I hate you so much.
fine, I'll be there.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 9:38am
having to be up for this now is mega lame.
I didn't even know there was a 9am on sundays anymore.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 11:47am
I'm almost there.
there is suppose to be a big surprise. with two stages, I'm hoping its b4b... or converge...
anyone know if bannon is the new ramallah?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 1:34pm
3rd band is on now.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 1:35pm
basically ever band is hardcore so start with that pretext for each review.

one false move: they reminded me of pantera around the "fucking hostile" days. There were plenty of people inside, but no one moved. They all just sat around.

far out: from PA. Drove all night to play this show. They had and oldschool punk/hardcore sound to them that reminded me of minor threat/blackflag. People started moving to them too which was cool. the bassist kept knocking over the drums cause the stage was moving.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 1:55pm
date rape: you know that one girl who always dances at every hardcore show? well, this is melissa's band. I for one think that girl's are as under represented in hardcore as they are in metal. The music was good. No draw out break downs. And they definitly weren't just a walls of jericho clone. a few girls danced for them, but most people just stood around. there was a second girl that did other vocals, but she was too quick for me to catch.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 2:03pm
ruining tomorrow: (mallard) the other stage started up at this point. There once again were plenty of people in the building, but most were just standing around. The singing started really off key, but after the singer dropped the mic and it got retaped, I think he could hear himself better. They played a song on which buhdda (b4b) sings, but he wasn't there to do it with them. I guess not b4b as a surprise.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 2:08pm
I would also like to say that this is the first show I've paid for since the brickhouse last year. why? cause this is a benifit show! its an awesome cause and they are already doing very well. before the 2nd ban went on, there were 120 people who paid to get in. this is going to be a rediculous day around 6, I just know it.

I guess roman's closed down for the summer and that's why there have been no shows here. sucks cause these shows are so much fun. people actually come out to hardcore shows. I know by the end of the day, they will have more paid heads than the palladium last night.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 2:09pm
oh, I also left my good camera's battery at home.. gr... so I'm using a back up and missing a lot of shots! oh well, c'est la vie.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 3:09pm
cannae: (mallard) due to some previous engagements, they had to play really early. I saw them last night and this was the same set minus 1 or 2 new songs. They played the same old songs, human head and anna's long. it definitly shows that they have been practicing a lot for the new tracks/ new CD. They were very tight. There were a lot of people there that have supported cannae for a long time. Since their new stuff is getting more and more metal, its awesome to see their old friend still showing up and dancing in support of their friends. The new guitar player is really good.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 4:29pm
Can’t Stand Losing: (roman's) ok, this band is all people that most everyone knows (joey, dj, derek, decker) plus the singer for the band suture. I hated the vocals in suture but his voice completely different and really good. at some point during their set, a girl got knocked out, but one of the guys (pat) is an EMT so he helped her out. Their set was really good and a lot of people (and I mean a lot) moved around for them. This was basically a packed house.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 5:55pm
black my heart: (mallard) they sound change the name since they sound a lot different and they don't play the old songs any more. They did redo the best of their old songs and played it today. They also have a new CD and were selling copies of it. The new singer makes them sound a hell of a lot tough.
he actually told a story about getting in trouble for flying over NYC a couple days ago.

in our blood: (roman's) "brof's band" I think they were the first band to send a song out to a fallen friend. Over the passed 5 months, they've gotten a lot tighter and now sound a lot more like db4d. Their set was very loud.

only revenge: (mallard) quick old school songs. There were a lot of people moshing and singing along. They covered cromags "hardtimes". It was really fun music. they played a bunch of songs that went out to a ton of fallen friend. Definitly hardtimes.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 6:25pm
damn, I guess I missed a cool photo ops, but sean got it. all the fsu members posed for a picture

for the worse: (roman's) morrisey sucks and so do you. Very punk mixed with 25 ta life. They said that they have a record coming out out on bridge 9, but they might have been joking. all of their songs seemed really familiar. They had a lot of hilarious songs and made fun of a lot of people..

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 7:21pm
cheech: (mallard) they are such a fun band. Their lyrics are catchy and most people in the audience know them so there are always people to fist the mic to.

the killer: (roman's) I had never heard of them before and never even hear of them before. They are one of the more metal of the bands that played. The vocals, backing vocals, guitar, drums, everything was so good. I need to get their CD. And the crowd litterally exploded into action as they played, kicking, jumping, punchig,etc... All over the place. Right off as I was in the front brian (db4d) pushed me out of the way of charging people, the whole place was packed.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 7:41pm
[band=p-boy]: (mallard) it was just a guy with a guitar. He did a song for john ritter 3s company and the chorus was the theme from that show. Some one came in and pushed him over and then the singer chase the assailent and attacked him, getting thrown over. When he came back he continued the song, he sung about what had just happened and his rib being broke. The last song he sang was hilarious... It was about not being able to keep an erection.
"i want you body"
"didnt I smell you balls earlier? This has been a bad day for me. Next year's fallen friend will be for me cause I'm going to kill myself after the show"

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Sep 4,2005 7:53pm
when you come home i'm checking you for bruises!

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 8:32pm
cut throat: (mallard) they have gotten so much better since the first time I saw them. People went apeshit for them and the were tons of people on the stage. these guys are definitly coming into their own. People love them too. they have a 4-way 7" coming out too which will be awesome I'm sure. I wonder how different it will sound. Oh, this was the first time they have ever played as a 5 piece since they now have joe (automata/botn) on bass for them.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 9:44pm
pale horse: (roman's) I came upstair really quickly when I thought they were on. I wanted to snap a few pictures before every one went crazy for them. Once I got across the stage, snapping photos, the mic broke... I seriously hope these guys are the future direction of hardcore cause they impress me so much. So after sitting there for long time, the problem was actually the PA so palehorse got cut and the whole show moved next door.

I'm waiting for 100 demons now. they just forced 100 people to leave before 100 demons could start. that's a person per demon.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 10:31pm
righteous jams: (mallard) this was just pure sing along. I'm not sure how those kids do it. Moving around for the entire time. I really don't know any of their songs, but whatever.

colin of arabia: (mallard) another crazy set. They had to cut 1/2 their set cause of the issues with the other club. They played a pennywise cover which I sang along with too. Awesome set by them. They just ripped through all their songs too..

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 4,2005 10:40pm
100 Demons: (mallard) this is the setting to see this band in, small and the crowd can get right in pete's face while he's singing. Like I said, they forced 100 people to leave. that sucked and the room was not as packed. But once they started, it didn't matter. They sounded really good. The guitars were perfectly mixed and I could hear the vocals almost everywhere... Though that was probably from the massive amounts of sing along going on of which I for one was guilty.
Mr. Colin of arabia said something like "they are one of my favorite bands and if they were 150lbs wearing tight pants and white belts... If they would comit to that they would have to lose 200 lbs each... But they would be one of the biggest bands around." I hope that next years ozzfest has 100 demons on it.

so after 100 demons finished and I'm sitting there talking to todd (he's a photog too that refuses to post here) and 15 minutes later, everyone starts yelling that the shows back over at roman's now.
so I come back and because of the firemarshall (who was at the mallard and forced 100 kids out), they are only letting 148 upstairs and if you leave, nobody else can come in.
right now 148 people are upstairs in romans making it very very hot. charle (the man and the sound guy of romans) is furiously trying to get all the shit here fixed.

ramallah, suffocate faste, and the confrontation cancelled.

toggletoggle post by KeithMutiny  at Sep 4,2005 10:44pm
careful around that place aaron, you might catch a case of "the trend"

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 12:09am
no shattered realm either. I guess they went home.

since the flood: (roman's) so everyone stood around for 30 minutes and then finally, charle got all the new amp set up. Basically, the mic cut out 15 seconds in to every song. it didn't matter really cause everyone sang along anyhow.
Every single song though. with all the frustrations, people went especially apeshit.

Before db4d can on some guy was walkinging around with a light meter or something. It was kind of weird.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 1:33am
on my way home now. there is a huge accident on 95N. the is 1 car missing 1/2 of it and another car missing a 1/4. glass is all over the road as well as 2 bodies. I think they are alive though.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 2:28am
pictures of the mallard are uploading.
roman's will be uploading in a few minutes.

toggletoggle post by luke not logged in at Sep 5,2005 3:18am
that accident was fucked up.
it was good seeing you aaron. its been way too long

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 4:02am
agreed. I also forgot to say that DJ was filling in on bass for STF.

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Sep 5,2005 4:06am
Is the singer from Cannae from the Cape? I could've sworn I've seen him at my store before.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 4:45am edited Sep 5,2005 11:55am
death before dishonor: they had a new guitar player. the tone and all of his guitar was different. he also had two cabs which I don't remember eric doing. it made them sound even more huge. they started off with a cover-ish of eye of the tiger. after that, they broke into a bunch of other songs. people immediately started to crawl over on another for the mic. that was basically the constant state of the room for the entire set. the people in the crowd always dance as hard as the band plays. Brian seemed a bit angry about the comments on the band on the b9 but this band is one of my favorite bands. If you don't agree, you have never seen them play live. I hope that this year they are on nemhf.

death threat: they were the special surprise. I should have guessed. they played a couple songs and then came back for another song. I think the bass player was new, but I don't feel like looking for pictures right now to tell if that is true or not. Aaron announced at this show that they are back together for good. not more last shows.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 4:45am
I'm not sure where adam lives.

toggletoggle post by RichHorror  at Sep 5,2005 4:46am
I know Shane lives in Plymouth. If not, he has a doppleganger.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 11:49am edited Sep 5,2005 11:55am

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Sep 5,2005 12:03pm
for the worse already has a record out on bridge rules

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Sep 5,2005 12:25pm
I didn't find a contact for them to inform them of the pictures...
do you have a web or myspace link?

toggletoggle post by MICKEYFSU at Sep 5,2005 12:57pm
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported a great cause. even though things got fucked up at times with the clubs everyhting went relatively well, I really don't think the guys from the Mallard knew what to expect. Aaron thanks for coming out the pictures you took were awesome as usual. Though the day was hectic and long there was no fights...not even an argument or dirty look(ok maybe one dirty look), but I heard it from more than one person that the day had an awesome vibe and felt more like a backyard BBQ, hanging with friends with music playing in the backround, exactly what we wanted. we will start working on next years now so shit will go smoother. thanks again.

I'll get you a Killer cd if you need it, definetly an underated HC band from Chicago

toggletoggle post by davefromthegrave  at Sep 5,2005 2:23pm

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Sep 5,2005 4:46pm

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Sep 5,2005 5:18pm
no, the bass player from Death Threat isn't new...

toggletoggle post by anonymous at Sep 5,2005 7:58pm
these pics are fucking great! thanks so much for the amazing time. ill never forget this show.


the killer

toggletoggle post by onefalsemove at Sep 8,2005 12:14pm
thanx for the pics...we enjoyed playin the show....hope to play again in the area in the near future...we are from Albany, NY so it's somewhat of a hike to get out there but we all had a blast....thanx again......

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