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returntothepit >> discuss >> thanks, conservatives, for making sure america becomes a prejudiced, biased piece of crap! by toc on Nov 3,2004 9:35pm
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toggletoggle post by toc at Nov 3,2004 9:35pm

why the FUCK does gay marriage violate the constitution or any one's fucking rights?!?!

this is I am seriously shocked at anyone that thinks that it's anyone's business if gay people get married or not. WHO THE FUCK CARES, YOU KNOW?!?!?! Like it's their thing, not yours...

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:36pm
Tax payers care.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:36pm
oh....and my Mom.

toggletoggle post by toc at Nov 3,2004 9:37pm
why do either of them care?

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:37pm
oh ya, and I almost Uncle Chet cares too.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:37pm
but I really don't care.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:37pm
really, I don't.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:37pm
I said that I didn't care, now stop asking!

toggletoggle post by dave from the grave at Nov 3,2004 9:38pm
Straight marriage is meaningless. Why the fuck does anyone give a shit about gay marriage?

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:38pm
ok this is getting out of control. I said that I didn't care.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 3,2004 9:38pm
I dont agree with same sex marriage, simply because its gay.

toggletoggle post by dave from the grave at Nov 3,2004 9:38pm
hey you care about gay marriage?

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:38pm
Dave, stop asking...I just don't care.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:39pm
nope...don't care a bit.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:39pm
I care about my cat, Mazy. She meows a lot.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:40pm
and plays a lot too.

toggletoggle post by hoser at Nov 3,2004 9:40pm
she's a pretty cute cat.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 3,2004 9:41pm
I like mazy lots

toggletoggle post by WyrmFingerz   at Nov 3,2004 11:36pm
you can't marry mazy.

toggletoggle post by Bradness Lebowski at Nov 3,2004 11:40pm
history will look back on this as a shining moment, when people woke up and saved this country from the spineless, no morality fucking swine that is the far left
i don't hate all liberals, shit, my Ma is one. But the far left is the voice of the Democratic party, and they are just wrong about what most Americans want.


toggletoggle post by intricateprocess   at Nov 3,2004 11:43pm
and George Bush is right?

we are fucked in the middle east because of him, and we are there to stay for years and years to come
a new terrorist attack is pratically iminent

thats not want i want

toggletoggle post by CongoogetalZobotomy  at Nov 3,2004 11:45pm
how exactly are we "fucked" in the middle east?

toggletoggle post by intricateprocess   at Nov 3,2004 11:46pm
we are gonna have a very large number of troops over there for a very long time to come as it is

toggletoggle post by MarkFuckingRichards  at Nov 4,2004 12:02am
i don't find anything wrong with same sex marriage. a lot of people will say it's "unnatural" and it's wrong for a child to grow up with 2 dads and no mom, or 2 moms and no dad. well guess what...that'll happen whether 2 gay people get married or not. i know plenty of gay people who have children, and they let their kids know that sexuality is a personal issue and no one should govern it except for themselves. i don't know 1 gay person that tries to force homosexuality on their kids, or anyone else for that matter. it's not like all gay people are going to have kids JUST to train them to be a homo army to take the straight world by storm like nazis.

there's nothing "unnatural" about being gay if you think about it. look at ancient greek culture. bisexuality and homosexuality were encouraged as much as heterosexuality, no one was discriminated against or placed higher. and that was eons and eons ago, happening within one of the most important cultures in the early stages of civilization.

to top that off, all those people that say the bible says homosexuality is wrong...i was brought up catholic and had to be subjected to eeeeverything in the bible. if you read closely, it states that homosexual thoughts are wrong in a heterosexual mind. so technically, if someone knows that he or she is gay, then there is no sin goin' down.

even if gay people didn't have the right to marry one another, there would still be a million people bitching about it. i say there's nothing wrong with any 2 people to get married, whether gay, straight, 2 different races, whatever. marriage is a personal issue and any outside force shouldn't have any concern with the privacy of 2 people in love, wishing to further that love with the bond of marriage. just as long as you're not marrying a horse, park bench, door knob, dead person, etc. you get the picture.

toggletoggle post by tbone_r  at Nov 4,2004 12:33am
"history will look back on this as a shining moment, when people woke up and saved this country from the spineless, no morality fucking swine that is the far left"

what's sad is that you really think that, and 51% of the people in our country agree with you.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 1:20am
ahh, apparently its 49%

toggletoggle post by Kalopsia   at Nov 4,2004 7:31am
CongoogetalZobotomy said:
how exactly are we "fucked" in the middle east?

conditions in Iraq now are 100 times worse than when the war started. THAT'S how.

toggletoggle post by Kalopsia   at Nov 4,2004 7:32am
i'm curious as to how Hoser feels about gay marriage

toggletoggle post by Joe/NotCommon   at Nov 4,2004 8:22am
Those questions on gay marriage won by landslides, I don't think it was just conservatives telling gays where to stuff it.

toggletoggle post by Josh_Martin at Nov 4,2004 9:07am
Caring about the non-existent "sanctity" of marriage is far gayer than two guys blowing each other.
Stupid christians.

The northeast should start another civil war. I would definately join that army. Invading Nebraska and South Carolina, killing christians, Locking parishoners inside a Baptist chrurch and burning the chruch down, it would be great. That new asshole SC just sent to Washington, DeMint, or whatever his name is, the first thing you would see upon entering the new North would be that guy's head on a pike with an aborted fetus stuffed in his mouth. A friendly reminder not to butt into other people's business.

That would be a much better use of force than Bush playing right into Osama's hand. America is slowly losing freedoms we once took for granted, just like Osama wants. America is more hated by the rest of the world than ever before, just like Osama wants. Thousands of americans are now conveniently located right in the middle east, so Al Qaida can kill them there instead of having to come here, just like Osama wants.
Kind of ironic how your average everyday iraqi was safer under Saddam than they are now.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 4,2004 9:17am
MarkFuckingRichards said:
look at ancient greek culture.

why do you think they called it geece?

MarkFuckingRichards said:
dead person

post mortum weddings happen a lot.

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:31am
i mean, this is really just America showing its true colors. Doesn't surprise me in the least, I grew up with this shit in the 80's

listen to Bush's victory speech.
Separation of Church and State = buh-bye

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 4,2004 9:37am
priase the lord for that one.
can I get a hallelua my brothers?

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:39am
I drink the vomit of the priests
And make love with the dying whore
I suck the blood of the beast
And hold the key to death's door

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:40am
Through many a tortured night prevails
Thy exorcisms shall but fail
While crucifix doth burn my flesh
I shall not yeild to you unless I die

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:41am edited Nov 4,2004 9:41am
We are possessed by all that is evil
The death or your god we demand
We spit at the virgin your worship
And sit at Lord Satan's left hand

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 4,2004 9:41am
hm.. that's a toughy.. I'm going to have to guess that you are...

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:43am
the medieval exorcists used a twenty-gallon brass syringe
Filled with Holy Water
Which they pumped into the anus
Of the possessed

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:43am
from Venom to Rasputina.

full circle.

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Nov 4,2004 9:45am
the only good thing that would come out of bush pushing religion is more holidays

catholics have more holidays

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:46am
hahaha, awright three-day weekend!

toggletoggle post by succubus  at Nov 4,2004 9:49am

toggletoggle post by litacore   at Nov 4,2004 9:56am
hahaha, south park-y!

toggletoggle post by the_taste_of_cigarettes  at Nov 4,2004 10:45am
regardless of what people think of gays, though, the entire subject has NO place in the constitution.

this document was made to preserve rights and make sure that anyone, no matter how fucking lame or stupid we think they are, would be treated equally. It was written by people that were tired of being kicked around for being different.

the constitution does NOT establish tax law.
the constitution does NOT establish morality.

what it does it help provide guidelines of "checks and balances" against the judicial system and the federal government to PREVENT autocratic power.

that said, if we edit it and put in things that have no place being in it, what happens next? what prevents free reign of a federal system?

if you don't like gay marriage, don't have one.

if you think they'll provide tax breaks to the wrong people, you are 100% welcome to think that...write to your senators and fellow congressional folk. It is OK to say you don't want gay marriage because you don't want those tax breaks flying around and have your STATE government create prohibition to it.

But changing a NATIONAL, FEDERAL document to BAN it BEYOND all judicial sanctity? Now that, my friend, is just god damn, 100% bigotry.

that's fag haters using total abuse of power to show off their homophobia. You don't like gays? Send em out of your state, fine. But telling the WHOLE country that it is "Un-consitutional" goes AGAINST the constitution to say; that limits our freedoms as Americans.

Accepting differences and learning to embrace things that other people shy away from is what this country's about. It's what it was founded on. When we make strides to push out the different, we open up ourselves to more hate and obstruction.

Think about it...considering the nature of this amendment, adding this type of thing will open the door to...what else? What other things can we go and do that would fit nicely in there? Maybe ban blacks from ever becoming citizens again? Maybe stop the jews from voting?

Let's be realistic on this.

It's also true that if you allow for gay marriage that - and I know this is shocking - the federal government could simply LIMIT, REDUCE, or OVERRIDE the tax breaks of these marriages (they do it in France -- so it CAN and HAS been done). You see what I'm saying? There's other options, and I know everyone sees this -- it's clear as day. People are just homophobic, and THAT is gay.

toggletoggle post by dan. at Nov 4,2004 10:49am
itll be reversed by the supreme court. oh wait, no it wont. because our president will only appoint rabid puritanical assholes. praise jesus!

toggletoggle post by crotchjuice at Nov 4,2004 11:20am
why is the sexual preference of individuals a problem with the government?

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 4,2004 11:22am
it's the republican contradiction...
small government (but republicans always make the gov't bigger)
less governmental controls (but only for big business and gun control. abortion and gay rights should be banned)

toggletoggle post by litacore in the comfy chair at Nov 4,2004 11:23am
same reasons the puritans didn't take kindly to sheepfuckers and witches

toggletoggle post by dan. at Nov 4,2004 11:26am
crotchjuice said:
why is the sexual preference of individuals a problem with the government?

its not, you can fuck whoever you want to fuck. however, once that extends beyond fucking (like when you want to be considered human and have the same rights as your neighbor) thheeennn its a problem. they are not ammending that you cant be gay, they are ammending that you are a fucking joke and you dont deserve to have equal rights.

toggletoggle post by dan. at Nov 4,2004 11:27am
...which is the mind set that gives us great serial killers (gacy, dahmer ect) but doesnt really work too well for you know. advancing our culture and blablabla. praise jesus.

toggletoggle post by BobNOMAAMRooney nli at Nov 4,2004 11:28am
I wonder when the majority of rebublicans are going to wake up
and realize that they probably should be voting for the Libertarian
party instead of the Christian Right.

toggletoggle post by Josh_Martin at Nov 4,2004 12:11pm edited Nov 4,2004 12:13pm
After this election I'm beginning to think the majority of Republicans ARE the christian right. I used to think it was just a small but very vocal minority.
I mean, if you're part of the christian right, then yeah, you should've voted for Bush. If you're not, and still voted for him, you are extremely fucking stupid (unless you're really rich and are soulless enough to only care about tax-breaks). Are there really that many extremely stupid people?

toggletoggle post by dan. at Nov 4,2004 12:14pm
the best part is, the morals that w supposedly supports....he doesnt have. at all. hes changed religions 3 times, his teenage girlfriend had an abortion, hes abused drugs and alcohol, he flaked out on serving his country.....the list goes on...

he plays on peoples emotions and fears. if you elect me, we wont be attacked! if you elect me, abortion will be outlawed! if you elect me, ill put faggots in their place and make ymca locker rooms safe again! if you elect me, you will go to heaven!

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 12:26pm
hey...listen, is everybody that didnt vote democrat stupid?
Lets talk about taxes.
Ive been a parent for 10 years now...thats 2 different presidents, one dem., one rep.

Of those 10 years, I have gotten GREAT tax breaks in the rep. term ONLY.
That, alone is enough to bias my opinion, as I think it would to any other parent recieving this tax break. So, stating that if ur not a friggin right wing conservative and you voted Bush youre stupid, is in fact, pretty stupid in itself.

toggletoggle post by dan. at Nov 4,2004 12:35pm
do you really have more money in your pocket today than you did 6 years ago?

toggletoggle post by Josh_Martin at Nov 4,2004 12:36pm
I'm glad you enjoy selling off your rights and the constitution. I hope you'll find it was worth it. Now that Bush doesn't have to worry about getting reelected we're gonna see some crazy shit.

I mean what's a piece of paper with the Bill of Rights written on it compared to the few hundred bucks you'll save once a year? Right?

toggletoggle post by BobNOMAAMRooney nli at Nov 4,2004 12:41pm
powerkok said:
hey...listen, is everybody that didnt vote democrat stupid?
Lets talk about taxes.
Ive been a parent for 10 years now...thats 2 different presidents, one dem., one rep.

Of those 10 years, I have gotten GREAT tax breaks in the rep. term ONLY.
That, alone is enough to bias my opinion, as I think it would to any other parent recieving this tax break. So, stating that if ur not a friggin right wing conservative and you voted Bush youre stupid, is in fact, pretty stupid in itself.

My parents actually had more money during the Clinton administration without the "family tax break" Sure they get back a few hundred dollars thanks to the break but that money and then some goes right into health insurance costs that were free for my family under Clinton.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 12:48pm
holy shit!!
Tell me much has changed in YOUR life between Clinton and Bush?
Anything that has affected your personal gain or space?
Have you lost a job maybe? or made less money?
I know I havent.
In fact, yes I do have more money in my pocket now than I did 6 years ago. and, its not because of anything more than making more money at my job, really.
Although the tax breaks REALLY help. much as you may not want to admit it, you are in fact in control over your own life. Dem or Rep.
In the trickle down system the small things really dont change much.
and unless you are a politician, you fall into the small category like the rest of us.

And Josh, I value my freedoms... by saying I am waiving the bill of rights for some $$ is ridiculous. If anything, I help this countries economy by spending more money.

toggletoggle post by the_taste_of_cigarettes  at Nov 4,2004 12:49pm edited Nov 4,2004 12:50pm
I agree with Jesse (powerkok) in that criticizing people for their choice in candidate is a little childish...people that voted for bush aren't stupid and I do think it's lame that leftist people would contend that.

but I -do- think it's INCREDIBLY uneducated and also ridiculously telling of a person's mindset when people vote to rattify an amendment that limits a person's rights like a gay marraige one would. I -know- that there are other options for allowing gay marriage and satisfying any potential tax problems that would arise rather than just banning it altogether. That's not saying those people are dumb, it's saying that the government is preying off of the inability of the public to do research on things before they vote and just go "gay people suck, let's shut them out of things".

think about that blacks can vote, and women can vote, are we really in the muddle they said we would be before the civil rights movement? not really...born again white presidents still get elected and the GOP still has the majority. I really don't think the gay people are going to rape the economy. That's just silly.

toggletoggle post by dan. at Nov 4,2004 12:54pm
well, i had agents show up at my door because of some statements i made at a college (that i dont attend). i got questioned and put in a file. i dont think i said anything too offensive, nothing i havent written on this board. but i got 'put in a file' because someone (thought it would be funny to?) call the cops. so i mean, i dont think my rights to speak out against my government when i disagree with their policies were held in such contempt when clinton was president. thats one thing.

you're right though. anyone can get by if they are smart enough. you arent going to go hungry and without a roof over your head because someone is or isnt the president. which is the exact reason to vote for someone who doesnt want to create a police state.

toggletoggle post by Josh_Martin at Nov 4,2004 12:56pm
powerkok said:
holy shit!!
Tell me much has changed in YOUR life between Clinton and Bush?
Anything that has affected your personal gain or space?
Have you lost a job maybe? or made less money?
I know I havent.
In fact, yes I do have more money in my pocket now than I did 6 years ago. and, its not because of anything more than making more money at my job, really.
Although the tax breaks REALLY help. much as you may not want to admit it, you are in fact in control over your own life. Dem or Rep.
In the trickle down system the small things really dont change much.
and unless you are a politician, you fall into the small category like the rest of us.

And Josh, I value my freedoms... by saying I am waiving the bill of rights for some $$ is ridiculous. If anything, I help this countries economy by spending more money.

Yes, I lost a job due to outsourcing to the Phillipenes.
Yes, I make less money now and am paying way more for insurance.

Yes, I am in control of my own life, for now. Bush has already made viscious attacks on the freedom of information act, and the 1st ammendment. Now that's he free to do whatever he wants let's see how long that lasts.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 1:05pm
Dan, the same thing happened to my friend during the Clinton era. Was it secret service?
Josh, dont get me wrong, man. you seem like a smart guy, and even tho I dont agree with some of your opinions, I can respect them. I just wish more people were more reasonable. Again, idealistic.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 1:08pm friend, and the sec. serv...
It was ALL over GG Allin lyrics he had written on the wall of his apt. and when he left, the landlord called the cops.
I t was ...blah blah blah...k i l l the pres...blah blah blah.
Unreal, by the time they went to his house, they knew EVERYBODY he knew, who owned guns, who had priors, who worked was sickening.
Obviously, we kinda stopped going to that house. hahahaha they moved very shortly after.

toggletoggle post by the_reverend   at Nov 4,2004 1:10pm
tha kok = terrorista

toggletoggle post by the_taste_of_cigarettes  at Nov 4,2004 1:10pm
My biggest fear is that people are going to do the same shit they always do, which is fight each other and not sort out the issues at hand.

So many "liberals" or self-proclaimed "anarchists" just shit on "right-wings" or "conservatives" and never really work to make peaceful, adequate change.

I would just like to see reall proponents of action make a difference and not just bully the little guy

toggletoggle post by dan. at Nov 4,2004 1:13pm

its not like john kerry would have been stronger there. he supported 95% of the patriot act and "wanted to strengthen the other 5". that guy was a dick and a fucking joke. the only good things he brought were what should be the common knowledge that who you fuck and what religion you belong to dont validate your worth as a human being and the government cant control the insides of a womans body. other than that, he was 'another liberal'. oh yeah, and we probably wouldnt be having the war we will be having in about 7 months.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 1:17pm
the_reverend said:
tha kok = terrorista

Ub3r|33T pwn4g3!!
counter-terrorists win.

god damn counterstrike fags.

toggletoggle post by crotchjuice at Nov 4,2004 1:22pm
Ok Since American hates homos, lets imagine a world with out them.... IT would just be "Eye for the Straight Guy", simply "Grace" with no "Will"... Um everyone would shop at walmart. The new fall colors would be Camoflauge. Booze as we know it would all go to shits, everyone would drink generics. Can someone say DOUBLE WIDE, and were not talkin about the fun kind either. Company's like Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrell, and Nordstroms, would fail to exists. And EVERYONE would have god awful hair. So America next time you want to take away our rights, think about all that we give to you, you pathedic, redneck conservative country

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 1:30pm
Besides the bad hair, that dosent sound bad at all to me.

toggletoggle post by powerkok   at Nov 4,2004 1:31pm
and, redneck conservatives die for flamers to take it in the dirt legally.

toggletoggle post by crotchjuice at Nov 4,2004 1:32pm
powerkok said:
Besides the bad hair, that dosent sound bad at all to me.

it would definately be a mans world.

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